Let's Get Started

Image Credit: Digital Trends

Image Credit: Digital Trends

Online Shopping
When did you dip your toe into the cold and scary water of online shopping? It’s probably quite recent. Yet, surely you are a pro by now. And that translates into the year 2013 showing a growth curve in online shopping not usually seen. In real terms it translates into 2013 seeing £91 billion spent online in the UK alone.

One of the main ones would be mobile devices. It is so much easier to grab a tablet and search for your product or service where ever you might be. Especially in front of the TV being bombarded with ads, you could be forgiven for doing some instant gratification style retail therapy.

Of course with smartphones it’s even easier. Walk into a shop, check out the clothes and then start a little bit of comparison shopping online. There’s even an expression for this now – showrooming. Keeping your handy purchase tool on your body can make your shopping experience so much more fun.

Social media
Social media is of course also impacting on online shopping. Your friends recommend stuff on Facebook, pin photos to Pinterest and send out a Twitter message discussing their purchase. And instagram is even more potent as you get to see a photo of the purchase.

Wish lists
Besides this clever online retailers are making it easy to store likes and preferences and setting up a wish list. Amazon has offered this for a while but other online retailers are starting to understand the value of this. Allowing your shoppers to store their likes for future reference is a great way to ensure your customers will come back to your site.

Easier payment options
Payment systems will become smoother. PayPal has, according to their website, an account base of 220 and growing at 102 500 per day. And their hourly transactions are $2 million. Of course there are other online payment options, never mind the credit card options. Even Bitcoin is lurking in the wings ready to make an appearance at a shop near you.

Speedy delivery
None of the above of course would make any sense if there wasn’t a quick delivery system in place. This new century will be known for its rise in the numbers of delivery companies. As we get more and more savvy with our online shopping the more we want that delivery the next day. Whoever can consistently offer this service has a bright future in store.

In other words, the world is gearing up for online shopping. You best be doing this too if you offer a service or product. And for your small online shop, responsive web design is the only option.